Cygnus - α Deneb , γ Sadr

NGC 7000, IC 5067, IC 1318


Date: 07/08/07    Time: 0000hrs   Location: Sunningwell   Temperature: 15ºC

Camera: Nikon D80 piggyback mounted on LX90   Lens: Nikkor 70-300mm F5 at 70mm  ISO: 1600   Exposures: 180 seconds  F-stop: 5.6   Guidance: Autoguided

Post-processing: 'airglow' subtraction and field flattening in Photoshop, dark and light point setting and midtone enhancement in each channel using levels command.  1 pass wtih Noise-Ninja

Comments: the bright blue star in the top left hand of the picture is Deneb.  Further to the left is the North American Nebula (NGC7000) and the Pelican Nebula  (IC5067-90).  The red star in the near middle is Sadr ("sternum") in the middle of an emission nebula, The Butterfly nebula (IC1318).

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